The topic for July was 3-dimensional / texture/ textile manipulation.
Nancy manipulated white muslin with rust. She placed nails, bolts, washers, etc.
on the muslin and kept the fabric damp for weeks.
Close up
Second piece of manipulated muslin
Mary made a tote bag embellished with a 3-D flower and crystals.
Jane shared a 3-D leaf in progress.
This is the inspiration photo.
Jane has been trying different products to make the water droplets.
This is the project without the water droplets.
Jane also shared droplet projects she had completed in the past.
Linda shared a dimensional orchid in progress.
Alice modeled a 3-D necktie collar she had completed.
Members also shared other projects which they have been working on.
Joyce made a Minnesota appliqued pillow.
Joyce also shared a mini black and white quilt in progress.
These are Joyce's pot holders.
Joyce made this infinity scarf with flat felled seams.
The flat felled seam close up.
Tam has been finishing UFOs and making them into one block quilts.
Tam completed this rescued sampler quilt.
The back shows off Tam's quilting.
Marguerite shared a picture piecing mountain scene.
A close up of some of the many pieces.
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