Saturday, January 20, 2024

January Show and Tell

 The following quilts were shown at the January meeting.

This is Joyce's Prayer Panel wall hanging.

Jane made this baby animal patchwork baby quilt.

Jane also made a psalms and stars patchwork wall hanging.

Marguerite used muslin as a base on her embroidery machine to make this panel.  It represents 72 hour of machine embroidery.

The following photos are of Marguerite's quilt, "Under the Sea."  It was a block of the month applique, Baltimore Album Style.

Marguerite also made "Solstice", a winter themed wall quilt.


"Night Watchman" was also made by Marguerite.  It is a fusible applique and patchwork quilt which will be donated to Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

Dave used bird panels and with rail fence patchwork to make this bed quilt.  It will also be donated to Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

This quilt was made by Dave using a dog panel.  Borders were added.  The quilt will also be donated to Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

Dave use bear/fox/coyote animal panels and patchwork to make this bed size quilt.  It will also be donated to Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

Jane and Linda also brought some of their art quilts which were made some years ago for a tea challenge.

Linda made this Dragon Mountain Oolong Tea wall hanging.

Jane's "High Tea" wall hanging was made using fusible applique.

Jane made "One, Two, Three...Sassafras Tea" using fusible applique and dimensional leaves. (leaves made using Heat 'N' Bond Ultra)

Linda made this "Golden Monkey Oolong Tea" wall hanging using paint, thread work and permanent marker.

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