Friday, August 19, 2016

August Show and Tell

The No Rules Quilters didn't have a theme for the month of August, so members just shared projects they had complete this past month.

Tam finished a UFO doll quilt.

This is a closer view of Tam's quilting.

Jane made "High Tea", a wall hanging for a group project this fall.
Mary made a poppies wall hanging.  The blue pieced background was made from different white fabric colored with Sharpie markers and rubbing alcohol.
Linda made this crazy quilt pillow using a variety of jeans' pockets.

Linda sketched the toucan to make a pattern for the applique on her denim apron. 
Ann used this photo of The Simmons Building in Bay to have a cross stitch pattern made.
This is the pattern.
Ann has a big part of the project completed.

Barb used vintage 9-patch blocks to make this quilt.

Bard used the quilt to practice different quilting patterns in each block.

Joyce has had a very productive month sewing.  She made this
"Happy Flower" wall hanging.

Joyce also made two 60 degree table runners.

Joyce used scraps to make this table runner and table mat.
Joyce also completed two rectangular table runners!

Sharon made this apron featuring veggies.

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