Thursday, September 22, 2016

September Show and Tell

In November and December, the No Rules Quilters are going to display coffee and tea themed quilts at the Dawn of a New Day Coffeehouse, in Saginaw.  Some of the members have already finished their wall quilts for the coffeehouse.

Wanda made two wall hangings, one for coffee and one for tea.

A close up of the coffee quilt.
Wanda's tea quilt.

Nancy made this primary colored quilt with a coffee pot and cups.
Barbara made this 3-D tea themed wall hanging.

A closer view.


This is Linda's "Dragon Mountain Oolong Tea" wall quilt.
Members also shared other projects they have been working on.
Wanda made a Quilted Cottage University quilt in pink and green.
Wanda also finished up a Candy Jar wall quilt made from a block she was given.
This leaf wall hanging, by Wanda,  was made using a painted panel on which Wanda placed leaves.  When the panel was put into the sun, the area under the leaves lost it's color.
Members often share books, fabric, trims, tools, etc. they no longer need at our meeting  Julie made this Halloween Wall quilt, for a grandchild, using some of the repurposed fabric.
Barbara made this Wild Goose Chase bed quilt.
Using blue strips from a club strip exchanges, Barbara made this bed quilt.
Barbara shared a humorous fabric she had purchased.

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