Thursday, June 22, 2017

June Show and Tell

There was no theme this month, but we had some interesting sharing at Show and Tell.

Barbara shared her ugly fabric project in progress.  Barbara's Bachelor Buttons are 3D.   
Her ugly fabric is in the tiny flowers.

Linda also  shared a project in progress.  Linda painted the lily on trigger fabric, then cut it out and placed it on the background.  She has been thread painting the lily.

Dee showed the group the process she used to do ice dyeing. 
She soaked the fabric in this pool product.
 Dee used the screen and tub to catch the water as the ice melted. 
This is one of Dee's finished pieces.
Joyce S. shared a rescued embroidery piece, she is making into a mini quilt.
Joyce also shared a traditional quilt she made using this Minnesota fabric.

Sue made this traditional quilt.  Both the front and back are brightly colored.